Aran Off Road Experience Covid 19 Policy:
At Aran Off Road Experience your safety and wellbeing is paramount for us.
We have made every possible effort to make sure our experience is safer and cleaner for all our customers.
We have made some changes to our business and have introduced extra measures to do this:
Tour Guides:
For your comfort all our tour guides will:
Strictly follow health guidelines set out by Fáilte Ireland and the HSE.
Maintain 2 meters’ distance from clients while on hikes / walks
Provide hand sanitizer at entry points and exit points on our vehicle at each stop and pick up points.
Ensure that the jeep is cleaned and sanitised before we start and after we finish tours.
Our Vehicle:
Our vehicle has reduced capacity to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Our vehicle is the only tour vehicle on Inis Mór that practices and maintains social distancing guidelines.
Our vehicle has 2 private Cabins that can be booked:
Cabin A – 7 seats
Cabin B – 4 seats
Due to social distancing guidelines we do not take clients in the driers compartment.
If you would like to book a private Cabin for you and your group. This can be done by getting in touch with our staff.
Our Jeep is cleaned and disinfected after every group/ customers.
All touchpoints, seats and seatbelts are wiped down and cleaned after each group/ customer- ensuring that the jeep is ready and safe for you and your group.
What we expect from guests:
Respect social distancing of 2 meters from tour guides and other guests.
Wear a face mask in busier public areas where possible.
Dispose of any PPE in appropriate manner.
Dispose of any waste, bottles, recyclables, in an appropriate manner.
Please observe social distancing protocols, hand hygiene and coughing etiquette throughout the duration of your experience with Aran Off Road Experience.
We would like to remind all passengers/ clients on an experience with us that they have a duty of care to their fellow passengers.
The health and wellbeing of all passengers/clients is of the utmost priority to us.
If at any point you are feeling unwell or are displaying any of the symptoms of COVID-19, while on tour with Aran Off Road Experience you must alert your driver/ tour guide immediately, contact your GP, and prepare to return home immediately with your household group.
If you feel unwell prior to your trip to Inis Mór, get in touch with us and cancel your trip. It is better to be safe than sorry.
We continue to evaluate and monitor all developments in regards to hygiene and commit to implementing procedures of the highest standards available to us.
We use eco-friendly cleaning products when doing this, as part of our commitment to sustainable tourism.
If you would like further information on any of our protocols or our Covid 19 Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at hello@aranoffroadexperience.ie